Tuesday, 28 May 2013


When I first heard KPS was selected to participate in the Early Childhood iPad Initiative for 2012 and would be receiving 50 iPads I was using one iPad in my classroom. Before the iPads arrived I began investigating ideas for using multiple iPads in a classroom. I came across the Socrative app. There is a teacher version and a student version and  it works sort of as an e-clicker, allowing students to respond to multiple choice and short answer quizzes that have been developed by the teacher. WiFi is needed for this app to function.

I can imagine this would be invaluable in a 1:1 situation but I have also found it very useful in group work. Students often work in groups of three on work flow lessons and I have used Socrative to have them reflect on the lesson and on their finished product. I have also used Socrative to check for understanding in a small group in which each student has an iPad. You can basically set it up to send the next question when all students have answered the last one. Another effective use of the app would be to poll students.

Other fantastic things about Socrative are that it collates and emails the results and that it is absolutely free, just requiring teacher registration.

Someone mentioned the app to me today and it reminded me that I hadn't used it in a while and how much I enjoyed using it. I will definitely be utilising it again very soon.

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