Friday, 24 May 2013

Maths Ideas

With iPads there are so many apps and ideas that you can use for creating literacy. I, for one, find it so much fun and so simple to create a workflow for literacy. I have to admit I find creating maths activities to reach those higher order thinking skills more difficult.

There are so many fantastic stand alone maths apps but I do have a couple of favourite apps that I like to use when aiming for those higher levels of Blooms. There are a huge number of whiteboard type apps with different features, many of which are great for adapting for maths tasks. My favourites are Doodle Buddy (so versatile) and Educreations, both of which are free. With Educreations you do need to create a free account in order to save creations but it is very simple. With both of these apps you can place a photo (or screenshot) as the background which opens up many possibilities. The beauty of Educreations is that it is simple to use and you can record what is happening on the screen as well as the audio. This is fantastic for creating lessons for students to watch and for recording them as they work through a problem. Imagine watching the students' creations with them and discussing where they went wrong. I have also used it to record a lesson with the recorded instructions for them to complete a lesson on the next page. Some screenshots of examples are below, obviously without the audio or the animation.

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