Thursday, 7 November 2013


The concept of a paperless classroom is still just a concept for me and requires 1:1 devices. While I embrace all forms of technology and am very open to new possibilities, I guess I am just old fashioned enough to still like to see students writing in classrooms, sometimes. Even if this writing is the planning of a fantastic digital presentation they are creating.

I do, however, believe homework can be paperless. With the option of various blogging platform (my personal preference to use with students are Kidblog for the younger students and Edmodo for the older students) paperless homework is a real option. Blendspace is another excellent option and, even better, you can create a task or series of tasks on Blendspace and then put the link on the blog. The work you create on Blendspace can include links, Educreation videos you have made, movies, photos, readings, quizzes and more. Students can work through this at their own pace.

Another great option for paperless homework, in my opinion, is Study Ladder. This allows you to create differentiated groups and set tasks at the level you choose.

Imagine the photocopying you will save which will help your photocopy budget and the environment. Of course you will still need to provide paper copies to some students but a recent survey revealed over 90% of students have access to a computer and internet at home.

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