Tuesday, 24 December 2013

12 Apps for Christmas

These are not, as the title might suggest, Christmas apps but I am going to try to limit myself to 12 apps that I suggest you check out over the Christmas break. With this lot of apps I am going to focus on those that best complement 'flipping the classroom' and paperless homework. I might even sneak in a couple that are not actual apps but are web browser based programs that work on iOS devices - some are both. I also stick to the free version of each of these resources.

In no particular order:
Edmodo (both)
Kidblog (both)
Padlet (web)
GoClass (both)
Blendspace (web)
ActivelyLearn (web)
inklewriter (web)
GoogleDrive (both)
BaiBoard HD (app)
Capture (app)
YouTube (both)
Educreations (both)

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