Sunday, 26 October 2014

My New Blog

I haven't posted for a while for a few reasons. One of them is that I have been unbelievably busy, but that's nothing new for anyone in education. Another reason is that I have discovered Twitter. The main reason is that I have not been feeling inspired to blog as I feel this blog has been a great way of documenting the school's, and my own, journey from early on. I am happy to say things have changed, as they always should, and while we certainly haven't changed direction we are having a play with the course settings. Don't worry, my love affair with iPads has not ended. I still think they are one of the best tools out there for schools but there are some other great ones too. I, just this morning, created a new blog called Teaching with (and without) Technology at KPS. The blog address is and there I will continue our journey with iPads, talk about some of the amazing tools I use in the Digital Technologies learning area share all sorts of ideas and thoughts - don't worry not just my own. Feel free to follow me on Twitter - I'm not that interesting but I do follow some very cool people - @KpsKreghenz. Oh and don't get too excited about my new blog - I haven't posted anything yet!
 I have used Lulu Publishing to publish a colour paperback copy of most of the blog posts from this blog. It turned out very cool. If you are interested in purchasing a copy go to the link below.

 Fully Bloggin' It @ KPS